Customer experiences

How to deliver great customer-first experiences

Nowadays shoppers expect high levels of customer satisfaction and demand seamless customer experiences whenever and wherever they interact with brands. According to Salesforce, 75% of consumers expect a consistent experience…

QIVOS ebook Customer Insights

[eBook] How to master customer insights in 4 steps

In the age of the customer, consumers generate massive amounts of data whenever and wherever they interact with brands. Although companies can use insights to better understand their customers, most…

Omnichannel loyalty programs

Why you need omnichannel loyalty programs

As the lines between communications channels are blurring more and more every day, marketing professionals are struggling to deliver consistent and personalized shopping experiences to customers. Today’s empowered customers are…

Loyalty programs and emotions

[Video] How customers feel about loyalty programs

It’s no secret that emotions play a key role in building stronger relationships with customers. When consumers are emotionally engaged, they feel delighted by the brand and would recommend it…


[Video] E-commerce trends and statistics

As the global e-commerce market continues to grow at a rapid pace, online retailers are struggling to find new and more effective ways to reach and maintain their customers. Watch our animated infographic…

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