How many decisions does a marketer make per month, per week or per day? Faced with countless decisions every single day, businesses depend on planning and making the right ones to grow and thrive.
Real-Time Marketing scales up the customer experience
How many decisions does a marketer make per month, per week or per day? Faced with countless decisions every single day, businesses depend on planning and making the right ones to grow and thrive.
Real-time marketing accelerates to bring quicker, more efficient and precise decisions than conventional ones made with static piece of data or no data.
Top Highlight of RTM
Nowadays, leading companies are using real-time marketing with great success. “RTM is an investment made to converting opportunities into pro table customer interactions that increase bottom-line revenue and build strong customer relationships” according to IBM Watson Marketing survey «The right time for real-time marketing».
Positive impact on the customer
“We put the customer on top”, the motto of every company. Real-time marketing offers a solution by acting in real, or near-real time and interacting instantly with relevant messaging on target audiences; marketers can design and execute effective marketing campaigns via delivering content at the right time during the customer journey!
Real-Time Marketing fails without customer centricity
Most of marketers believe that the RTM refers to conveying the right message on the correct touchpoint at the precise time; but this is not the whole truth! If the content is not designed to a unified customer profile along with shopping patterns, then the marketing strategy will likely fail to produce the desired effect. A successful RTM campaign provides a retail experience that meets the needs of each consumer.
Real-time marketing helps targeting specific group of customers based on purchasing patterns and preferences instead of focusing on the overproduction of mass advertising content. The consumers are 24/7 connected and RTM gains influence as a marketing strategy by combining the digital and traditional marketing tactics while targeting at consumers that will be most receptive to the ads.
Create a wonderful customer journey. RTM can be by your side at every touchpoint.