Building loyalty in the age of e-commerce

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Building loyalty in the age of customer, where customer expectations are growing and technologies are rapidly evolving, is a work in progress that requires time, plan and highly targeted actions.

Especially in e-commerce, in order to overcome the typical give-and-get relationship with your customers and win their trust, you must design a loyalty strategy which frequently evolves based on market trends and business needs.

Loyalty in unified commerce

Customer loyalty isn’t what it used to be. When it comes to developing your loyalty strategy, there is one key step to follow: apply your strategy across all the channels that your customers visit (brick-and-mortar store, e-shop, mobile application, social media, emails, etc.). So, your approach should be based on a unified commerce model where the customer is, of course, the center.

Related article: Unified commerce: the evolution of omni-channel

In this context, loyalty programs are a huge help in e-commerce, where most brands are struggling to maintain their customers. Traditional loyalty programs have now elevated and enriched with new e-commerce functionalities. Brands can attract the right customers and deliver unique digital experiences, maximizing the customer lifetime value.

Consistency along with personalization are another two key factors that determine the success of your loyalty program. Customers expect a consistent shopping journey, so you must act as a whole. Think like a customer: you probably won’t make a purchase if you find offers or products via one channel and not another.

In addition, make sure you reach the right customer with the right message at all touch points. Invest in technology to gain useful insights for your customer’s shopping behavior and marketing automation to make personalized communications with customers across all channels at the right time.

Delivering personalized messages to your customers will build a strong relationship with them and increase sales. Start rewarding your loyal customers by offering incentives besides delivery options and addressing the emotional complications of customer loyalty. Consumers aren’t necessarily just interested in saving money. The ability to earn special treatment has also become an important reason for shoppers to make purchases online.

To learn more about how to build trust with your customers in unified commerce, contact us or visit our website.

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