Why Netflix is a competitor of retailers?

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Nowadays, the customer experience is being more and more evolved. The consumers are well informed, and their customer journey becomes personalized. So, the marketing approach should be based on “Get to know my clients and their dissimilarity”.

Netflix is a media streaming platform that offers a new customer experience and has provoked the well-known “Netflix effect”. Working on an automated movie recommendation programme, Netflix provides a customized solution for every consumer. It recommends series and movies relevant to each subscriber’s preferences and delights, enhancing the customer experience. Tech giants such as Netflix and Amazon created a long-term relationship with the consumers and became significant competitors of the retailers in all, even of the bankers. While the majority of the commercial industry struggles to succeed in personalized interactions with the consumers, those two companies established that exact consumer demand.

Success depends on being familiar with the changes and responding fast to them. Personalized communication with the consumer is a must for all the leading brands. Now, consumers are in control, and they constantly expect relevant product recommendations throughout their online and offline experience. A leader retailer should leverage the technology power to be on top of the consumers’ expectations.

Recommendations use transactional and behavioral data and apply advanced analytics to identify and provide the right item to the right consumer at the right time. Leading retail brands recognized the importance of one unified platform, that can manage all these interactions and behavioral customer data more effectively and less time-consuming. Thus, collecting consumers’ data can be done from different touchpoints, eCommerce or physical store and be translated into actionable analytics.

Eliqua.CX is a (SaaS) Customer Data and Loyalty platform that enables marketers to identify their consumers, analyse their behavior and connect with them in real-time. More precisely, by collecting data from in-store and online, INTELIQUA builds unified customer profiles and bridges the gap between online and the physical store. We help marketers leverage customer data and offer a personalized experience to consumers with advanced marketing technology solutions powered by machine learning. As a result, product recommendations can be accurate, relevant to consumers’ preferences based on their unique profiles.

Reach us out today to discuss with INTELIQUA’s customer loyalty experts, whether you have a support question, or a business inquiry. Click here to contact us!

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