Marketing tools to effectively leverage the customer database

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Today’s ecosystem is dynamic. With more consumers online than ever before, and retailers expanding beyond their brick and mortar stores and e-commerce platforms to bridge the gap with omnichannel offerings, the retail world is growing. As how customers shop change, so too do the brands to communicate with the consumers.

Top communication tools to increase your loyal customer database.
Investments in technology and marketing automation tool are crucial to dominating the customer journey. These tools along with the know-how to successfully manage the customer information, enable businesses to get closer to their customers.

Email marketing is a powerful marketing tool that not only can bring you more conversions, but also help you build trust with your customers. In order your email campaigns to be effective and survive in your customers’ busy inbox, you need to make sure that you are following the essentials steps, such as email templates, with dynamic dashboards, along with user-friendly platforms let the marketers focus on how to get closer to their customers. Moreover, personalization is the key driver for customer engagement in both online and offline environments and therefore an essential factor for business success. Through marketing automation, businesses can fully support the integrated customer journey and deliver highly personalized customer experiences across all touchpoints

SMS/VIBER: Consumers turn to their mobile phones for almost everything. They rely on their smartphones as information, entertainment, shopping, and life companions. So, mobile phones are not just a technology device; they have become a personal hub of information where people spend time on daily. Leverage these mobile moments to reach your customers successfully and create meaningful and lasting connections with them. It is important to include a call to actions in sms/viber campaigns to drive the conversion rate.

Social media: Use social media to stay connected with your customers. People that “follow” or “like” your brand on social media will most probably want to learn your latest news, reach your customer support, and buy from you again. Create engaging content for your social media accounts and determine the right time and frequency to post. Social media are a great opportunity to drive loyal customers to your e-shop, so make sure you give them good reasons to do so. One smart tip is to leverage social media accounts for customer loyalty purposes, not only to facilitate the user process but also to increase the customer database, by following, at the same time, the GDPR guidelines.

Tips from the experts:
• Remember to stay consistent across all channels and digital touchpoints, ensuring unique online experiences.

• Target your customers at the communications channels (VIBER, SMS, EMAIL) they use the most.

• Insights from micro-moments, email, social media interactions, and loyalty program engagement, you can combine customer information in one place and test what works and what does not for your multi-channel customers.

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